Reddit is an extremely powerful sharing tool online that is usually the first step in having your content go viral. In this episode, we speak with Nick Smith, who has seen several of his videos go viral (think 2,000,000 views in a DAY) thanks to his strategies on Reddit.
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How to Use @Reddit, the front page of the internet, for marketing your content. Click To Tweet
What is Reddit?
Reddit coins itself as the front page of the internet. Videos, pictures, articles, and other content may be submitted to the site and the users may upvote or downvote the content. With enough upvotes, your media eventually rises to the top and you may get national recognition as users, news outlets, and other sources share your content with their audience.
Who is Nick Smith?
Nick is a member of Extremely Decent, a sketch comedy group releasing comedic videos on YouTube and beyond. Using Reddit, Nick has seen several of their videos go “viral” with The First Honest Cable Company.
Nick’s Tips to Use Reddit
Use sub-reddits to put your content into a niche and gain exposure. As it builds in the sub-reddit, it will also gain sitewide attention. The goal is to the then try to get it on the home page, where most users are looking.
With “The First Honest Cable Company, Nick first tried to upload it with a personal message such as “Check out this video I made.” It didn’t last. If it doesn’t take in the first 20-30 minutes, it hasn’t taken. These things go quickly or get forgotten about.
He tried again with another title. Nothing.
Then, in a rush, he tried a third time, just summing of the feelings of the video, saying “This sums up my feelings about my cable provider.” Nick put his phone away, came back later. 200 upvotes. Later, 550 upvotes. 2 hours later, 3000 upvotes.
By the end of day, it was the biggest video of all time in the “art video” subreddit and had 2 million views in one day.
FIRST: Nick uploaded his video to his YouTube channel. Reddit is not a media host, just a place to share. Tip: Add a Call To Action (CTA) at the end of your video. Do you want the viewer to subscribe to your YouTube? Go to your website? Buy Merch? Plan this out ahead of time and incorporate it into your video. You can have a big wooden teepee ready for the fire, but if the spark doesn’t hit, it’s useless.
When titling: Appeal to people’s emotions by saying “this is funny and this is what I feel when I watch it” rather than seeming like asking for a charity case. — This is a good tip for all social media sharing. Reddit (and most people on social media) is not a fan of self promotion.
Nick helped his brother Chris upload a video to Reddit but they had an issue. The hive mind within Reddit thought the video was a Go-Pro ad. They pulled it down, then Nick had to get it reinstated by reaching out to a moderator and vouching for the validity of the video.
Because there’s nothing at stake and you learn if your content will get attention so quickly, Reddit is low risk. And don’t get personally offended if it doesn’t take off.
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