creativity | SOSstudio
49: Rest Your Creative Brain and Grow Evergreen Content Automatically

49: Rest Your Creative Brain and Grow Evergreen Content Automatically

Your brain is hardwired to create. You couldn’t not do it if you tried. So, when you find yourself in those times of “having to create something,” give yourself permission to take the day off. Give your creative brain time to recharge. Enjoy your day. The creativity will come again. And probably stronger than if you had tried to force it. (A special short Christmas episode with 1 small stocking stuffer)

41: Only Add Value with Rob Lott

41: Only Add Value with Rob Lott

As artists, how do we crosscheck what we are creating in order to make sure it’s leading us down the right path? In this podcast, Rob Lott shares a simple idea to “only add value.” Value to your audience, your fans, your craft, and yourself. If this is applied toward every creative and personal endeavor moving forward, you will emerge a better artist.

Week 13 – ‘Introverted’ by Joseph Burke

Week 13 – ‘Introverted’ by Joseph Burke

It is the penultimate week of our Summer Session and it is the first time for a couple of years that we have heard a song like this. Joseph threw the song out to our collaborators and we finished up with a personal electronic ballad that has an entrancing, ‘other-worldly’ drama to it.

Take a listen to the podcast to hear the track and also hear Joseph talk about how fulfilling the journey from his initial idea to the finished product was. You can own this song, as you can all the others in this Summer’s session for just one single dollar by clicking on the shopping cart icon on the widget below.

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