by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Feb 24, 2016 | podcast archive, Social Media
Molly Moore is a true DIY artist and creative entrepreneur putting in the time to create a name for herself. Her music is incredibly appealing and she has used SoundCloud to connect with, engage with, and grow her audience. In this podcast, she offers a great tip for reaching out to people with one word and also shines some insights on her creative writing process.
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Feb 10, 2016 | podcast archive, Social Media
Twitter is like an ocean and you are a pebble sinking to the ocean floor. But with the right tools, you can be a skipping stone bouncing over the water gaining more attention with each pass. Here are 11 tools that you won’t hear about from Twitter (that will make you a marketing guru).
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Feb 3, 2016 | Social Media, SOS Blog
Reddit is an extremely powerful sharing tool online that is usually the first step in having your content go viral. In this episode, we speak with Nick Smith, who has seen several of his videos go viral (think 2,000,000 views in a DAY) thanks to his strategies on Reddit.
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Dec 22, 2015 | podcast archive, Social Media
Your brain is hardwired to create. You couldn’t not do it if you tried. So, when you find yourself in those times of “having to create something,” give yourself permission to take the day off. Give your creative brain time to recharge. Enjoy your day. The creativity will come again. And probably stronger than if you had tried to force it. (A special short Christmas episode with 1 small stocking stuffer)
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Jul 15, 2015 | podcast archive, Social Media
Periscope is a live-streaming tool for broadcasting to fans. Here are 9 reasons why it is a game-changing tool that needs to be in every artist’s toolbox.
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | May 11, 2015 | Social Media, SOS Blog
Musicians can improve Twitter with Twitter analytics, building Twitter lists, tagging photos, saving drafts, and hosting a Q&A.
by Jordan Woods-Robinson | Jan 19, 2015 | Social Media, SOS Blog
Facebook can be an incredibly powerful tool for any person representing their own business (i.e. musician or band) to share your work with your followers (and to have it instantly shared beyond your own network) but the standard practice of Facebook Profiles can...