Ask SOS | SOSstudio

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Hey guys, Jordan here. Ask me a question!

This page is all about giving a direct line for any SOS’s that pop up in your life and career. I’m working to answer everything that I can about the business with my podcast, SOSstudio Sessions, but I want to feature your questions and get you some answers on air!

Please read below to see exactly how you can help your fellow artist.

Submitting A Question

Below, please drop me a line and, if I don’t have the answer, I’ll find an expert in my network who does.

I want this show to be fun, personal, and helpful! So let’s keep it real and sensible, okay? Please use common sense and show courtesy with your questions. That way everyone wins! Here are some guidelines to ensure your question is qualified to be featured on the show.

  1. Please keep your question concise and to the point. Just the pertinent info to help troubleshoot your problem.
  2. If you have a website and URL, you’re allowed to share it and I’ll put it on air! For example: “Hi, my name is Jane Doe. I have a blog called Jane Does Music at My question is…”
  3. Spammy, disrespectful, or deeply private questions will not be considered for the podcast.

Go ahead... Ask!

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